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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

It's a beautiful Xmas tíme and we Wish to everyone Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 

It's a time to looking back.... This year was hard with COVID situation for all.... cancelled flights , hard lockdown, not shows, not possibility to meet friends... A lot of time we spent with our dogs in own yard, and in the final of the year we breed 3 our beautiful females. Paprika, Akira and Baileys. We carefuly chooce the stud males and our decision had very satisfed results... ( Albums you Can find in my fb profile, some puppies are keepers and will be presented in page). Storm and Uriel become stud males with official hip score and we hope on them for next year. Aslan and Quik became next time fathers of beautiful puppies in  Germany, Austria, Romania, Czechia.... 

So , in the final of the year I Wish to you All the best and hope that 2021 will be better for our passion without restrictions. 



Náhledy fotografií ze složky CANE CORSO ANDRAX GOLD



Kamenčíková Alexandra
R. Dilonga 6/A
920 01 Hlohovec

+421 - 910 99 17 18
