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Year 2016


Mili navstevnici nasej webovej stranky. Je zaver roka a tak nastal cas trosku zrekapitulovat nase chovatelske snazenie a vysledky. V roku 2016 sme vyrazne obmedzili vystavy nielen na Slovensku, ale aj v zahranici. Kedze moj manzel sa zucastnoval vystav ako hospitant a v zavere roka sa stal uspesne rozhodcom pre posudzovanie exterieru plemena cane corso, nase psy vystavoval team profesionalnych handlerov.

Velka vdaka patri Chiare Capomagi, ktora mala vo svojej opatere nasu ciernu rusku krasku Olimpius Pride A' Cerberus NkM New Star a spolu ziskali velmi prestizne tituly: Champion Chorvatska, JUGENDSIEGER 2016, VDH EUROPA-JUGENSIEGER 2016, 4xBOB, 2xBOS, 4x CACIB,2xJr.BOB, etc.... a uspesne sa Bibi reprezentovala aj v triede strednej na Svetovej vystave v Moskve s vysledkom vyborna. Bibi splnila podmienky pre udelenie titulu chovna fenka aj povinnym vysetrenim na displaziu bedernych a laktovych klbov s vysledkom DBK A/A, LK 0/0, OCD free. V sucasnej dobe sa Bibi pripravuje na rolu materstva a velmi sa tesime na steniatka zo spojenia  po legendarnom Svetovom vitazovi, MCh.,Ich., MultiBIS, HD B, IPO 1 Desmo dell' Antico Cerberus. Na kratku, ale rovnako uspesnu karieru v triede mladych sme zverili Chiare nasu mladucku Niky Thousand Esprit Andrax Gold *Ebi*. Spolu s Chiarou si tento nadejny duet vybehal okrem ineho vyznamne prestizne tituly 1xBOB, 2x Jr. BOB z MVP vystav v konkurencii kupirovanych jedincov a z Europskej vystavy psov v Holandsku si Ebi doniesla znamku vyborna.  Ebi sa po svojich prvych narodeninach  podrobila povinnej zdravotnej prehliadke s rovnako vybornym vysledkom DBK A/A, LK 0/0, OCD free. Uz len hranica veku nas deli od toho, aby sa aj z Ebi stala chovna sucka a budeme sa tesit na steniatka z velmi zaujimaveho spojenia ;) Chiara , dakujem za prikladnu starostlivost o nase dievcata a tesim sa na dalsiu spolupracu v buducom roku!

​Dalsim clenom vystavneho teamu, ktoremu sme zverili nasho mladeho a nadejneho psa Pako dell' Antico Cerberus je Daniele Tabarrini. Za super trening a vystavne vysledky, ktore s Pakom dosiahli , spomeniem len zopar : Junior Sampion Rakuska, 3x BOS, 3xJr.BOB, 2x BOB puppy mu patri moje obrovske dakujem! Rovnako Pako sa nevyhol povinnej zdravotnej prehliadke na splnenie nasich narokov na chovneho psa a jeho vysledky z DBK B/B, LK 0/0, OCD free a tak ma oficialne otvorenu cestu ako chovny pes. Daniele, urcite sa s Pakom stretnete aj v nastavajucom roku ;)

Ako posledny odisiel do kratkeho treningu aj nas dalsi mlady pes QuikSilver, ktory sa zucastnil sice len obmedzeneho poctu vystav /predsa len, je to tvrdohlavy oriesok a ziskat si Quika nie je lahke/. Vdaka za prezentaciu patri Francesce Scopetti, ktora ho prezentovala len na talianskych vystavach na ktorych sa zadava zo vsetkych tried /stredna, otvorena, sampionov/ len jeden CAC a ziskali spolu 1x r.CACIB, 2x r.CAC. Viac vsak ako na vystavny karieru sme Quika radi predviedli na talianskej udalosti roka Raduno del Anno v skuske CAL2, kde Quik bez specialneho treningu, vdaka naturalnemu charakteru ziskal uspesne aj tuto pracovnu skusku potrebnu pre taliansky sampionat krasy a potvrdil charakter praveho cane corso /v neposlednom rade zozal nielen potlesk pritomnych, ale aj komplimenty zo strany talianskej posudzovatelky a znameho talianskeho trenera v sfere profesionalnych reprezentatov vo vykone psov/. V tomto case je uz Quik naspat doma a tesime sa splocne na jeho nove uspechy nielen ako chovneho psa, ale aj vo vystavnom kruhu v nasledujucich vystavnych sezonach. .

Nemozem zabudnut ani na nasho najuspesnejsieho krycieho a vystavneho psa z mojho prveho vrhu Aslan King of NkM Andrax Gold, ktory zaciatkom roku '16 ziskal prestizny titul TOP DOG'15, ukoncil vystavny karieru na Slovensku s titulom Slovensky sampion krasy. Aslan, kedze jeho chut do prace je obrovska sa zacal pripravovat v spolocnosti svojho osobneho trenera Federica Ragnoni na pracovnu skusku IPO. Na prvu zakladnu skusku pred IPO bude Aslan plne pripraveny v januari a nasledne sa pojde na oficialnu skusku IPO 1 /rovnako ako jeho otec WW'08 Desmo/. Verim, ze spolu s Federicom budu vyborny a uspesny team.  

​V civavkach sme v tomto roku zaznamenali tiez zopar uspechov, kedze povacsine sa vystav s nimi uz nezucastnujem /vacsina civabandy je uz na dochodku a hrdi sa dostatocnym mnozstvom titulov  a mensina je este mlada do vystavnych kruhov/. V tomto roku sa teda mozeme pochvalit 3 novymi titulmi Sampionov / Xena, Smiley - Titul Klubovy Sampion, That' s Amore Andrax Gold - Sampion Srbska/ . Smiley a Xena sa taktiez stali Grand Sampionom Slovenska. Dulcinea sa stala Klubovou vitazkou mladych vo velkej konkurenci a Smiley /jej otec / sa stal rovnako Klubovym vitazom '16 pod prisnym hodnotenim p. Sheldy Hornby z UK s posudkami z ktorych mam obrovsku radost. Nasa veteranka Baccara sa stala na uvedenej vystave BIS veteran 3 a slova na adresu Baki od  pani rozhodkyne ma ako chovatela hreju doposial.  

​Kedze chovatelstvo nie je len o vystavach a jeho uspechoch, ale predovsetkym o chovatelskej praci, aj nase steniatka nam priniesli kopec zabavy a majitelom robia vela radosti. Spolu sme v tomto roku odchovali 10 steniatok Cane corso a 1 steniatko plemena civava /ktore samozrejme ostava doma :D / Viac info najdete priamo na nasej stranke v Novinkach, prip. v Steniatkach.

​Ako nove posily nasej chovnej stanice sme privitali dve nove cierne krasky :

Akira Promessa Di Futuro, ktora pochadza zo spojenia Arien Andrax Gold /Aslanova sestra/ a QuikSilvera Dell' Antico Cerberus , chovatelka Sandra Vork /DNK/ 

Medzhik version Tasmania , ktora pochadza zo spojenia Ch. Frizzer Dell' Antico Cerberus , ktory je synom nasej Galassie dell' Antico Cerberus.  Obe sucky maju spolocneho predka - legendu spomedzi cane corso rWW., MCh, Dante Dell' Antico Cerberus!  Velmi sa tesim z tychto nadejnych chovatelskych prirastkov ;)

​Z odchovancov po nasich chovnych psoch sa mozeme pochvalit viacerymi uspechmi, co nas velmi tesi! Pre nasich krycich psov vyberame starostlivo sucky nielen u nas doma, ale snazime sa aby boli prinosom aj pre ostatnych chovatelov s ohladom na kvalitu chovnych suciek. V tomto roku sa Aslan moze pysit svojimi prvymi steniatkami, ktore dosiahli vekovu hranicu 1 roka a boli na vysetreni displazie bedernych klbov. Z hlaseni majitelov mame obrovsku radost a sme radi, ze aj tu sa potvrdilo, ze pre stastny a radostny zivot so psom je zdravie na prvom mieste. Rovnako jeho tohtorocne steniatka sa stali uspesnymi zastupcami plemena a ziskavaju popredne miesta v triede baby a puppy. Fotoalbum Aslanovych potomkov mozete najst na stranke . Smiley sa stal otcom 2 vrhov mimo nasej chs, z ktorych sa narodilo 6 steniatok a ktore uz teraz zbieraju vystavne tituly v triedach baby a puppy! Mame obrovsku radost a gratulujem chovatelom za ich doveru v nase chovne psy.

​To by z tohtorocnej bilancie v skratke mohlo byt takmer vsetko. Na zaver Vam uz len poprajem mili priatelia, chovatelia a navstevnici nasej stranky, hlavne uspesny a stastny Novy rok 2017 a nech vam vasi stvornohi kamarati robia v zdravi vela radosti!!!




Dear visitors of our website. Is the end of the year is a time a little recap our breeding efforts and results. In 2016, we significantly reduce the exhibition not only in Slovakia but also abroad. As my husband participated in the exhibition as hospitant and the end of the year it has become a successful judge for assessment exterior cane corso breed, our dogs exhibited team professional handlers.
Many thanks to Chiara Capomagi, which had in her hands our Russian beauty girl Olimpius Pride A 'Cerberus NkM New Star and together gained a high prestige of the titles: Champion of Croatia, Jugendsieger 2016 VDH EUROPA-JUGENSIEGER 2016 4xBOB, 2xBOS, 4xCACIB, 2xJr .BOB, etc .... and successfully she represented Bibi even middle class at the World Exhibition in Moscow with the excellent result . Bibi has fulfilled conditions for title brood bitch and a mandatory examination for  dysplasia and elbow joints with the result HD A / A, LK 0/0, OCD free. Currently, Bibi preparing for the role of motherhood and I am looking forward to the puppies from the combination of the legendary World winner, MCh.,  HD B, IPO 1 Desmo dell 'Antico Cerberus.  For a short but equally successful career in the junior class we have entrusted to Chiara our  youthful Niky Thousand Esprit Andrax Gold Ebi * *. Together with Chiara our hopeful duet among other things Significant coveted titles 1xBOB, 2 Jr. BOB MVP of the competition exhibitions cropped and docked subjects, and from the European dog show in the Netherlands have brought Ebi an Excellent. Ebi after her first birthday undergo a compulsory medical examination with equally excellent results HD A / A, LK 0/0, OCD free. Just the age limit us from having to and from Ebi became full brood female ​​and we are looking forward to puppies from very interesting mating ;) Chiara, thank you for exemplary care of our girls and we look forward to further cooperation in the coming year!
Another member of the exhibition team, which we have entrusted our young and promising male Pako dell 'Antico Cerberus is Daniele Tabarrini. For super training and show results, which amounted with Pako, to mention just a few: Junior Champion of Austria, 3x BOS, 3xJr.BOB, 2x BOB puppy he owned my huge thank you! Similarly Pako not avoid compulsory medical examination to meet our demands on stud dog and its results of HD B / B, LK 0/0, OCD free and so officially opened the path as a stud dog. Daniele, certainly will also meet in the coming year with Pako ;)
As a last went to the short training also our other young male QuikSilver who participate, although a limited number of exhibition / however, it is stubborn ''NUT'' and make relation with Quik is not easy /. Thanks for the presentation include the Scopetti Francesca, which him presented on the Italian exhibitions where to be awarded from all classes / Intermediate, Open, Champion / with only one CAC and Quik got together r.CACIB 1x, 2x r.CAC. More, however, as the show career, we  pleased to showcase the Italian event of the year Raduno del Anno in tests CAL2 where Quik without special training, thanks typical  nature he get achievement and the performance tests necessary for the Italian champion of beauty and confirmed the nature of the right cane corso / Finally Council reaped applause not only present but also compliments of the Italian judge and famous Italian trainers /. In this case it is already Quik back at home and look forward to our common new achievements not only as a stud dog, but also in the show ring in the next show season. .
I can not forget even against our most successful exhibition stud from my first litter Aslan King of NkM Andrax Gold, who in early '16 was awarded the prestigious title TOP DOG'15, and ending his show career in Slovakia with Slovak Champion title. Aslan, as his desire to work is a huge preparations began in the company of your personal trainer Federico Ragnoni on working trial IPO. The first basic examinations before IPO will be Aslan fully prepared in January and then will go to the official examinations IPO 1 / like his father WW'08 Desmo /. I believe, along with Federico will be excellent and successful team.
In chihuahuas this year we have also some success, since typically are exposed to them no longer involved /big part of our gang is already retired and proud with enough titles and minorities is still young in the show ring /. This year, therefore, we can boast three new champion titles / Xena, Smiley - Club Champion, That's Amore Andrax Gold - Champion of Serbia /. Smiley and Xena has also become Grand Champion of Slovakia. Dulcinea became Junior Club Winner '16 in big competition and Smiley / her father / become as Club Winner '16 under rigorous evaluations famouse breeder from UK Mrs. Shelda Hornby with the judgements with I'm overjoyed. Baccara recive the title Veteran Klub Winner'16 and was on podium as BIS veteran 3.rd place. The words about her make me hot in the heart and I'm really thankful for the specialist judge. This is in my opinion how the club show must have to stay in lineup for the breed.

Whereas that the breeding is not just about the exhibitions and the achievements, but above all the breeding work, our puppies brought us a lot of fun and the owners make a lot of joy. Along this year we have bred 10 puppies Cane Corso and  1 chihuahua puppy / which of course stays at home: D / More info can be found directly on our website in the News 2016 , or in Puppies section.
As a new hopes in our kennel, we welcomed two new black beauties:
Akira Promessa di Futuro, out of Arien Andrax Gold / Aslan sister / & Quiksilver and Dell 'Antico Cerberus, breeder Sandra Vork / DNK /
Medzhik Version Tasmania  that comes from CH. Frizzer Dell 'Antico Cerberus, who is the son of our Galassia dell' Antico Cerberus. Both females have a common ancestor - a legend among the cane corso res WW., MCh, Dante Dell 'Antico Cerberus! I am delighted to have these promising additions;)
By the offspring from our stud dogs we can boast many successes that we are very pleased! For our stud dogs we always choice females very carefully, and not only at home, but we try to make them beneficial for others of breeders with regard to quality of their brood females. This year, Aslan boasts its first puppies, having reached the age limit of one year and were to investigate displazie lumbar joints. Of the reported owners of We are very happy and we are delighted that here too it was confirmed that the happy and joyful life with a dog's health is in the first place. This year as well the puppies become successful representatives of the breed and obtain a leading position in baby and puppy class. Photo album Aslan's descendants can be found in photoalbum.  Smiley became the father of two litters out of our kennel, from which it was born 6 puppies and which already collects Show titles in baby and puppy class! We are very happy and congratulate the owners for their confidence in our breeding dogs.
That would at a glance this balance could be almost everything. In conclusion, I only have to wish you dear friends, breeders and visitors of our website, especially successful and happy New Year 2017 and let you your four-legged dogs doing in a healthy lot of pleasure !!!








Kamenčíková Alexandra
R. Dilonga 6/A
920 01 Hlohovec

+421 - 910 99 17 18
